Due to hair loss, slips occur in the forehead line, or situations such as regional hair loss and weakened hair strands that look bad affect the psychology of women negatively. When factors such as vitamin deficiency or hormonal disorders that cause hair loss in women are eliminated, the problem of hair loss improves.
However, sometimes treatments cannot prevent hair loss. Women who complain of excessive hair loss can get support for hair transplantation in women by turning to hair transplantation clinics. Furthermore, women may apply to hair transplantation method due to forehead narrowing.
Hair transplantation method is a form of treatment that can also be applied to women today. Hair transplantation treatment for women is basically the same as the hair transplantation method applied to men. However, there are some differences. Before starting the hair transplant treatment in men, the hair is scraped and then the process is started.
In women, hair transplantation can be done without hair scraping. In the treatment of hair transplantation, no incisions and stitches are applied. It is a reliable method. Successful results are obtained.Micromotor is used in FUE hair transplantation method. It does not leave any traces in the area where the hair follicles are taken.
Moreover, in the procedure performed under local anesthesia, intact hair follicles are taken from areas such as the nape or behind the ear with the help of special tools. The hair follicles taken are transferred to the areas where hair loss is experienced.